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geos.GEOSContext_setErrorHandler_r ⇒ number

Sets the error handler for a GEOS context.

Kind: Exported member
Returns: number - The previous error handler function pointer.

contextnumberA pointer to the GEOS context handle.
handlernumberThe error handler function pointer.

geos.GEOSContext_setErrorMessageHandler_r ⏏

Sets an error message handler for a given GEOS context. An error message handler is a function that takes a string argument and does something with it, such as printing it to stderr or logging it somewhere. Error messages indicate that something went wrong during a GEOS operation.

Kind: Exported member

handlenumberA pointer to the GEOS context handle.
effunctionA pointer to an error message handler function.
userDataanyA pointer to user data that will be passed to the error message handler function.

geos.GEOSContext_setNoticeHandler_r ⇒ number

Sets the notice handler for a GEOS context.

Kind: Exported member
Returns: number - The previous notice handler function pointer.

contextnumberA pointer to the GEOS context handle.
handlernumberThe notice handler function pointer.

geos.GEOSContext_setNoticeMessageHandler_r ⏏

Sets a notice message handler for a given GEOS context. A notice message handler is a function that takes a string argument and does something with it, such as printing it to stdout or logging it somewhere. Notice messages are informative messages that do not indicate an error condition.

Kind: Exported member

handlenumberA pointer to the GEOS context handle.
nffunctionA pointer to a notice message handler function.
userDataanyA pointer to user data that will be passed to the notice message handler function.