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geos.GEOSGeoJSONWriter_create_r ⇒ GEOSGeoJSONWriter

Allocate a new GEOSGeoJSONWriter.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: GEOSGeoJSONWriter - a new writer. Caller must free with GEOSGeoJSONWriter_destroy()


geos.GEOSGeoJSONWriter_destroy ⇒ null

Free the memory associated with a GEOSGeoJSONWriter.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: null - void

writerGEOSGeoJSONWriterThe writer to destroy.

geos.GEOSGeoJSONWriter_destroy_r ⇒ null

Free the memory associated with a GEOSGeoJSONWriter.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: null - void

writerGEOSGeoJSONWriterThe writer to destroy.

geos.GEOSGeoJSONWriter_writeGeometry ⇒ StringPointer

Write out the GeoJSON representation of a geometry. Note that writing a GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection is unsupported through the GEOS C API.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: StringPointer - A char pointer, caller to free with GEOSFree())

writerGEOSGeoJSONWriterA GeoJSON reader object, caller retains ownership.
gGEOSGeometryThe geometry to convert, caller retains ownership.
indentnumberThe indentation used. Use -1 for no formatting.

geos.GEOSGeoJSONWriter_writeGeometry_r ⇒ StringPointer

Write out the GeoJSON representation of a geometry. Note that writing a GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection is unsupported through the GEOS C API.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: StringPointer - A char pointer, caller to free with GEOSFree())

writerGEOSGeoJSONWriterA GeoJSON reader object, caller retains ownership.
gGEOSGeometryThe geometry to convert, caller retains ownership.
indentnumberThe indentation used. Use -1 for no formatting.