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geos.GEOSCoverageIsValid ⇒ number

Analyze a coverage (represented as a collection of polygonal geometry with exactly matching edge geometry) to find places where the assumption of exactly matching edges is not met.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - A value of 1 for a valid coverage, 0 for invalid and 2 for an exception or error. Invalidity includes polygons that overlap, that have gaps smaller than the gapWidth, or non-polygonal entries in the input collection.

inputGEOSGeometryThe polygonal coverage to access, stored in a geometry collection. All members must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON.
gapWidthnumberThe maximum width of gaps to detect.
invalidEdgesGEOSGeometryWhen there are invalidities in the coverage, this pointer will be set with a geometry collection of the same length as the input, with a MULTILINESTRING of the error edges for each invalid polygon, or an EMPTY where the polygon is a valid participant in the coverage. Pass NULL if you do not want the invalid edges returned.

geos.GEOSCoverageIsValid_r ⇒ number

Analyze a coverage (represented as a collection of polygonal geometry with exactly matching edge geometry) to find places where the assumption of exactly matching edges is not met.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - A value of 1 for a valid coverage, 0 for invalid and 2 for an exception or error. Invalidity includes polygons that overlap, that have gaps smaller than the gapWidth, or non-polygonal entries in the input collection.

inputGEOSGeometryThe polygonal coverage to access, stored in a geometry collection. All members must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON.
gapWidthnumberThe maximum width of gaps to detect.
outputGEOSGeometryWhen there are invalidities in the coverage, this pointer will be set with a geometry collection of the same length as the input, with a MULTILINESTRING of the error edges for each invalid polygon, or an EMPTY where the polygon is a valid participant in the coverage. Pass NULL if you do not want the invalid edges returned.