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geos.GEOSGetNumGeometries ⇒ number

Returns the number of geometries in a collection.

Kind: Exported member
Returns: number - The number of geometries in the collection, or -1 on exception.

gnumberA pointer to a GEOSGeometry object of type GeometryCollection or its subclasses (MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon).

geos.GEOSGetNumGeometries_r ⇒ number

Returns the number of geometries in a collection (thread-safe version).

Kind: Exported member
Returns: number - The number of geometries in the collection, or -1 on exception.

handlenumberA GEOS context handle created with initGEOS_r().
gnumberA pointer to a GEOSGeometry object of type GeometryCollection or its subclasses (MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon).