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geos.GEOSProject ⇒ number

Distance of point projected onto line from the start of the line.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - distance along line that point projects to, -1 on exception

lineGEOSGeometrylinear target of projection
pointGEOSGeometrypoint to be projected onto 'g'

geos.GEOSProjectNormalized ⇒ number

Project point to line and calculate the proportion of the line the point is from the start. For example, a point that projects to the middle of a line would be return 0.5.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - The proportion of the overall line length that the projected point falls at.

lineGEOSGeometrylinear target of projection
pointGEOSGeometrythe point to project

geos.GEOSProjectNormalized_r ⇒ number

Project point to line and calculate the proportion of the line the point is from the start. For example, a point that projects to the middle of a line would be return 0.5.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - The proportion of the overall line length that the projected point falls at.

gGEOSGeometrylinear target of projection
pGEOSGeometrythe point to project

geos.GEOSProject_r ⇒ number

Distance of point projected onto line from the start of the line.

Kind: global property of geos
Returns: number - distance along line that point projects to, -1 on exception

lineGEOSGeometrylinear target of projection
pointGEOSGeometrypoint to be projected onto 'g'